We update our MLK to USD price in real-time. MiL.k is down 2.50% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #438, with a live market cap of $110,406,203 USD. It has a circulating supply of 422,019,529 MLK coins and a max. supply of 1,300,000,000 MLK coins. MLK tokens can be traded on centralized crypto exchanges. The most popular exchange to buy and trade MiL.k Alliance is Upbit, where the most active trading pair MLK/KRW has a trading volume of $8,557,147.34 in the last 24 hours. Other popular options include Bithumb and Bybit. What is the daily trading volume of MiL.k Alliance (MLK)? MiL.k Alliance (MLK) can be bought and sold across 11 crypto exchanges. Based on trading volume and Trust Score, the most active exchange to trade MiL.k Alliance is KuCoin, followed by Bybit. The current price is $0.28 per MLK with a 24-hour trading volume of $9.96M. Currently, MiL.k is valued at 93.59% below its all time high of $4.34. This all-time high was the highest price paid for MiL.k since its launch. The current circulating supply of MiL.k is 421,853,074.263 MLK which means that MiL.k has as total market cap of 421,853,074.263. MLK is currently available on 3 exchanges and in past 24 hours, 227,753 MLK coins have been exchanged, which equals $58,370 in a trading volume. Today, MiL.k (MLK) opened at $0.2610. It's down by -1.81% from the opening price. Despite rallying to the $0.2620 level, MiL.k (MLK) faced resistance and was unable to maintain the momentum to move higher. MiL.k (MLK) is currently ranked as the #316 cryptocurrency by market cap. Today it reached a high of $0.272111, and now sits at $0.270638. MiL.k (MLK) price is up 2.87% in the last 24 hours. MiL.k's ICO launched on April 30 2020 and ran until April 30 2020. View the live MLK price chart to track the real-time price changes. Follow the latest market data, analysis, and social comments on KuCoin Crypto Exchange. The live MiL.k price today is $0.2702 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $10,635,745.37 USD. We update our MLK to USD price in real-time. MiL.k (MLK) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2020. MLK has a current supply of 986.25M with 418.23M in circulation. The last known price of MLK is 0.267710838944 USD and is 0.000820833822 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on active market(s) with $6.97M traded over the last 24 hours. Current MiL.k (MLK) token data: Price $ 0.274, Trading Volume $ 10.62M, Market Cap $ 114.64M, Circ. Supply 418.23M, Total Supply 986.25M. Official links to websites, social networks and documents. MiL.k’s price today is US$0.2605, with a 24-hour trading volume of $39.75 M. MLK is +0.00% in the last 24 hours. MLK has a circulating supply of 416.16 M MLK and a max supply of 1.3 B MLK. MLK. WMLK. LoungeM Circulating Supply. 94,000,549. Latest News [NOTICE] Beware of Scams Impersonating MiL.k Members [EVENT] Choose Your Benefits This Month! For the third time in U.S. history, Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Inauguration Day will both be held collectively. The overlap is set for Monday when former president Donald Trump will return to When is Martin Luther King Jr. Day? The federal government shuts down on the third Monday of every January for the day to honor Martin Luther King Jr.. This year, that day is Jan. 20. The holiday Discover how crypto-friendly nonprofits are advancing racial justice in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Learn how crypto donations fuel their missions to fight inequity, empower communities, and drive systemic change. The current real time MiL.k price is $0.2767, and its trading volume is $4,098,969 in the last 24 hours. MLK price has grew by 2.94% in the last day, and decreased by 1.46% in the last 7 days. Snoop Dogg, Rick Ross, and Soulja Boy performed at the Crypto Ball, a Trump-affiliated event held in Washington D.C. (Jan. 20), the date also observing Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Harga USD MiL.k Hari ini - temukan berapa nilai 1 MLK dalam USD dengan pengonversi, grafik harga, kap pasar, volume jual-beli, data historis, dan lainnya. The current price of MiL.k (MLK) is $0.2563, price is up by +0.50% in the last 24 hours. MLK is currently available on 3 exchanges and in past 24 hours, 227,753 MLK coins have been exchanged, which equals $58,370 in a trading volume. Today, MiL.k (MLK) opened at $0.2610. It's down by -1.81% from the opening price. Long Term View:Intermediate views are included in Sunday's reports.Housekeeping:Tomorrow is a national holiday in the US, MLK Day, and the stock markets | Crypto Waves
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